Dr Jelica Minic


Dr Jelica Minic

Executive Board Member
European Movement in Serbia

Dr. Jelica Minić has a long professional experience in the research and policy making in the field of EU enlargement and regional cooperation in the Western Balkans gained by developing and managing projects of national and international significance. She has worked in complex organizational environment, including high managerial positions in the state administration (foreign affairs), NGO and academia. She started her career in the TV Belgrade (Internal Politics Desk), and continued in the Institute for International Politics and Economy, the Centre for Strategic Studies, the Institute of Economic Sciences, the European Movement in Serbia, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Regional Cooperation Council and again, the European Movement in Serbia.

Dr. Minić worked as consultant or team leader for several projects of the German Marshall Fund in Serbia, the European Integration Fund of the European Agency for Reconstruction, the UNDP and of a number of donors in Serbia and the EU. She organized a great number of high level international conferences and courses on European integration, regional cooperation, trade, and specific issues of the Serbian foreign policy as well as other sectoral conferences and workshops in cooperation with the OSCE, OECD, line ministries, CSO partners and EU Member States ministries and foundations like Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Konrad Adenauer Foundation etc.

The most relevant publications and analysis are on the European Union and prospects for the Western Balkan European integration, regional cooperation in political, economic and other aspects, civil society development, NGOs – government relations etc. She published over 150 articles, essays and book chapters and a great number of conference papers. She was editor of several books and reviews. 

Since 2020, Dr. Minić has been president of the European Movement in Serbia. She was the Deputy Secretary General of the Regional Cooperation Council, in Sarajevo (2008-2013) and had high position in the state administration (Assistant Minister of Foreign Affairs, 2000-2004).