Dr. Plinio Nastari


Dr. Plinio Nastari

President and CEO
Datagro Consultoria Ltda


President and CEO of Datagro Consultoria Ltda., one of the world’s leading consulting firms specializing in agricultural markets, serving clients in 41 countries. 

Dr. Nastari holds M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees in Agricultural Economics from Iowa State University. 

He was a professor of Economics at FGV – Fundação Getulio Vargas in São Paulo for 22 years, teaching undergraduate and postgraduate courses (MBA, master’s, and doctoral). 

A former Executive Director and Chairman of the Board of the Brazilian Association of Automotive Engineering (AEA), he contributed to the development of ethanol specifications that enabled its use in direct injection engines. 

He served as a member of the Technical Commissions of the Interministerial Council on Sugar and Alcohol, the National Energy Commission, and the Commission for the Reexamination of the Energy Matrix. He advised the Brazilian government on Energy Planning (1984-1986 and 1991-1993), industry deregulation (1997-1999), trade negotiations (1991-2004), and trade disputes. 

With extensive experience in negotiations and trade disputes at the ITC (International Trade Commission) and the World Trade Organization, Dr. Nastari represented the Brazilian government as Chief Economist in trade disputes involving ethanol exports to the United States, subsidized sugar exports from the European Union, the common banana import regime in the European Union, and the Brazilian regime for the importation of used and retreaded tires. 

He is an arbitrator for the FGV Chamber of Conciliation and Arbitration and has served as an expert in various cases in this chamber and at the ICC, the International Chamber of Commerce, in Paris. 

Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Biomass Energy Consultant, except wood, for the World Energy Council. 

Co-founder and member of the Sustainable Biofuels Consensus (Bellagio Consensus), Rockefeller Foundation Bellagio Center, Bellagio, Italy, since 2008, and participant in the Bled Strategic Forum since 2008, in Bled, Slovenia. Dr. Nastari is a member of the World Sugar Committee at ICE Futures (Intercontinental Exchange) in New York, where recommendations are made for improvements in contract rules and other issues related to the global sugar trade. Member of PAPSAC, Harvard University, in Boston. 

Dr. Nastari leads a team of 97 employees at Datagro, housed in six offices (Alphaville, São Paulo/Capital, Ribeirão Preto, Santos, Recife, and New York), assisting various companies with market analysis, investment decisions in production and logistics assets related to sugar, ethanol, and other agribusiness activities in the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Asia. 

Over the years, Dr. Nastari has established fruitful cooperation between Datagro and the International Sugar Organization (ISO), with the joint organization of the prestigious Sugar & Ethanol Conference that precedes the New York Sugar Dinner for the past nine years. He chaired the 19th Annual ISO Seminar in London. 

Organizer of the Sugar & Ethanol Summit – Brazil Day for three consecutive years in London, in cooperation with the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Organizer for 14 consecutive years of the traditional Datagro International Conference in São Paulo, which precedes the São Paulo Sugar Dinner, and the Datagro Ceise Br Conference Fenasucro, in Sertãozinho, SP, the largest sugar and ethanol equipment fair in the world. Organizer of the Agribusiness Forum Global, in partnership with the Brazilian Rural Society (SRB), a biennial event. 

Dr. Nastari is a frequent speaker at energy, bio fuels, and agribusiness conferences worldwide, with regular appearances in London, Paris, Washington, Orlando, São Paulo, Singapore, Amsterdam, and Dubai. 

For his contribution to the development of bio fuels in the USA, Dr. Nastari had the honor of receiving Honorary Citizenship of the State of Nebraska and was awarded at the White House for his contribution to the development of bio fuel use in aviation.